Our Networks

Dorset’s Creative Health & Wellbeing Forum

This network is for creative practitioners, cultural organisations, and health professionals with an interest in developing arts and health/wellbeing in Dorset and BCP.

It’s a space to discuss opportunities and issues facing Health and Culture in Dorset and beyond, and to share projects, events and resources.

How to join: Sign-up to the Facebook Group or email Gemma Alldred: gemma.alldred@theartsdevelopmentcompany.org.uk

Meetings take place monthly in-person and online, and updates will be posted in the Facebook Group.

Image: Museum of East Dorset by Jayne Jackson

Ignite Dorset’s Cultural Children and Young People Network

A network with Dorset Music Service to bring together teachers, educators and those interested in arts, heritage and cultural education for children and young people.

The group is open to everyone working or interested in cultural and creative education in Dorset, including teachers, freelance educators, outreach officers, teaching assistants and anyone pursuing or interesting in a creative education career.

The group is free to join and the meetings are open to everyone.

How to join: Information about future meetings will be shared through our newsletter and on our social media.

Image: Squashbox Theatre by Jayne Jackson

What Next? Dorset

What Next? Dorset is a space to share, debate and take action on issues facing the local and national culture sector. Open to everyone working in and connected to the creative and culture sector in Dorset.

What Next? Dorset meets monthly and all meeting information and updates are shared through the Facebook group and mailing list.

Image: Four Corners event by Hannah Baker

How to join:

Join the Facebook group

Sign-up to the mailing list

Through inclusive discussion and openly sharing our knowledge, skills and experiences we look to find creative ways to enable the cultural sector in Dorset to demonstrate best practice, maximise its impact and influence change at a local, regional and national level.

We’re part of the National What Next? movement and there are 30 chapters over the country. Find out more here: 
