Callout for Creative Health Case Studies

This opportunity is now closed to applications

We’d like to showcase and celebrate the amazing Creative Health work happening in Dorset at our upcoming Health+Culture event.

We’re making up to five postcards that showcase culture organisations and/or creative projects from the last two years that support health and wellbeing. These postcards will be given out at the Health+Culture event.

Plus all relevant organisations/projects we receive will be showcased on our social media leading up to the event.

We know that brilliant projects are happening all around the county. We also know that if we celebrate and advocate for your work, we can encourage more awareness and support for the valuable and vital work you do. 

How to apply

Fill in this form to apply

Time is precious, so we’ve tried to make it as easy as we can to share your work.

Deadline: 9am Monday 8 January 2024

It will include the following questions:

  • Who you are

  • What artform you work or worked in

  • Who you worked with

  • What happened (brief project description)

  • What health outcomes were addressed

  • Short quotes and/or evaluation statistics

  • Pictures that you’ve permission to share, with any photographers or creatives to credit.

We want to hear about your work, however we know that your time is precious. If you have  a great project to share, but the form doesn’t work for you please contact Gemma for a conversation about how we can best showcase your work

Other ways to get involved

Join Dorset’s Creative Health and Wellbeing Forum on Facebook or by contacting Gemma: 

We’re hosting a free Creative Health event ‘Health+Culture’ on 29 January 2024. Find out more and book your tickets here.

Share your work at our event in January. If you’d like to share your Creative Health practice, projects and events at our upcoming event please email Gemma:


Join our Board: Non-Executive Director


Health+Culture Event