Unearthing Dorset's Coastal Heritage
This is a guest blog post for Visit Dorset by our Communications Lead Jasmine O’Hare. Read the original post here.
Dorset’s coast is steeped in history. From Danish Viking landings to the Wildcats of Bridport, the county’s landscape is full of stories, folklore and forgotten traditions. A project four-years in the making will now uncover and celebrate the county’s thrilling history in a beautiful coastal walk.
Along the newly named King Charles III England Coast Path, you'll discover 16 astonishing artworks that bring to life the heritage of the landscape it sits in. Each one was created for this path and mark where one parish ends and another begins.
Here are just a few of the wonderful artworks, each a collaboration between Dorset’s incredible artists, craftspeople and landowners.
Charmouth to Stanton St Gabriel
To commemorate the alleged 836 Danish Viking landings on Charmouth beach, Artists Alex Brooks and Emma Molony have created a very clever gate. As you approach it the Viking landskip warships align with the sea horizon and take you back to the moment the Viking fleet advanced towards the shore.
Image by Pete Millson
Image by Pete Millson
Chideock to Symondsbury
Discover Dorset’s rich smuggling history on this cleverly designed, barrel-shaped artwork created by Delphine Jones.
Bridport to Burton Bradstock
Spotters used to stand along the iconic West Bay cliff top and shout ‘Mackerel Straying’ when they saw a shoal of fish in the sea below. Fishermen would then race to their boats to catch them. Artist Brendon Murless has celebrated this lost tradition in this beautiful new artwork.
This project was a collaboration between the local authority, local artists and craftspeople and West Dorset’s landowners. It was led by Dorset Council and coordinated by Dorset Coast Forum as part of the Dorset Coastal Connections portfolio.
Find out more about this new coastal path and its artworks here: https://www.dorsetcoasthaveyoursay.co.uk/west-dorset-walkers-welcome
Artists and Craftspeople: Alex Brooks, Alice Blogg, Andrew Whittle , Brendon Murless, Delphine Jones, Ed Brooks, Emma Molony, Greta Berlin, Isla Chaney, Jake Reilly, Sarah Hough, Will Pinder
Landowners: Lyme Regis Golf Course, National Trust, Tamarisk Farm, The Cook family, The Extons of Downhouse Farm, The Loosemore family, The Yeates family
Local Authority: James Stagg, Dorset Council Countryside Ranger, Tara Hansford, Dorset Council Countryside Access Improvements Officer; Bran Acres, Dorset Coastal Ranger; Cleo Evans, Arts & Environment Lead, The Arts Development Company
Funders: Communities Fund managed by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).
Image by Pete Millson